We may be more influential than our numbers indicate. Casual playing friends are not going, when they are informed that games are downgraded and benefits reduced, even if they don't understand the details. Slot playing spouse is not going, if I don't go. Even plopies who have no sophisticated friends can read "this machine pays no points", and be discouraged from playing.
Between the no points policy and the high gas prices, we are taking most of our action to Las Vegas where we reside part time. I have played PE at MS a couple of times recently, because I love variety, and it is not available in Las Vegas for dollars. However with the only playable games being PE and JOB and the 1 hr. drive, may play at MS has been declining for some time. Especially since there are 3 casinos w/i 5 minutes of us at LV, that have FP SA 10 play, triple bonus+, BP deluxe, and FP DB.
--- In vpFREE_NewEngland@yahoogroups.com, "mel3dmdmsncom" <mel3dmd@...> wrote:
The number of knowledgable VP players is such a small percentage of their handle, I can't imagine we can make enough of a difference to change their new strategy. When you see people playing 1 or 2 coin
$5 8-5 JOB you realize that we are a small minority.