I had a free gift coupon that I tore off my MGM calendar, so I made a quick trip to see what it was. When I arrived,(12:30 p.m.)there were about a hundred people in line at the counter. I didn't want to wait, so I walked by, and headed for the Pick'em machines.
I played for about an hour, finally hit a quad and a couple of FHs, took my $200 profit and headed back to the counter. There was still a hundred or so people in line? Some kind promo going on? I gave up. The gift was probably just some more MGM logo-ed refrigerator magnets any way.
Had a couple of single-malt scotches upstairs at Ignite, chatted with the bartender, and was out of there by 2:15. Taking my small profit and running away is how I play now.
"Legalized gambling" is just a term that means that the casinos are protected by law when they steal money from you on games that can't be beat."
--VP Pappy