IBTW, I have sometimes seen the Double Bonus progressives at over 6000
coins. I don't know if they have ever been in a positive situation.
Positive in this case is over $1,800. I've only ever seen it that high twice.
At $1,800, the ER is the same as Pickem - BUT - the variance is sky-high. Also, the short-term bleed will kill a bankroll in no time.
Personally I wouldn't even think about playing them until the RF exceeds $2,000.
Do you know of any "teams" that "take over" the machines, or is it
actually possible for an "ordinary dude" like me to play them?
This play has never been high enough to attract a team. But no, I know of none.
it really annoys me when people put buckets over the bill insertion
slot even though THERE ARE SIGNS TELLING THEM NOT TO. I have yet to
see security cracking down on RUDE players.
Woodbine is a victim of its own success. Too many players, not enough machines.
If you see a machine that's sitting idle with a cup on it (regardless of credits in the machine), you can call over any of the suits - not security. They will maybe wait 5 minutes, and then allow you to:
(a) Remove the old player's card if present.
(b) Cash out any credits on the machine - you can't keep them but must place them in a cup for the rightful owner.
(c) Proceed to play the machine.
Realize that you will get some grief from the returning player - especially if they've only gone for a smoke.
If the machine has no credits and no card, simply remove the buckets and play it. If anyone comes back and tried to claim it, politely but firmly tell them that a machine can't be held, and it's rightfully yours. If they persist, call a suit.
djmcosmo <djmcosmo@yahoo.com> wrote:
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