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[vpFREE] Startling VP stastitics

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[vpFREE] Re: Startling VP stastitics
Monday, March 22, 2010 1:04 AM


I agree with you about inflation coming.

Buy precious metals if you can. Get rid of your adjustable mortgages and
switch to fixed rates.
Do not hold any bonds and especially long term bonds.

Now is the time to start to prepare. Do not wait.

When the chips are down, "The Messiah" will not be there to help you. He
will be helping the special interests which are his true masters. In fact,
he might even try to confiscate your gold if he can get his hands on it.
That's FDR (another "progressive") did in 1933.

I have been doing research about how to buy and where to store precious
metals. I will be happy to share my research.
I am not a dealer and have nothing to gain. I just want to see us all
survive what I believe is a coming disaster that makes what we have seen so
far look like a walk in the park.
  Believe me, I do not want to believe that we are headed into a hurricane
but logic points the way and it is hard to refute.


Yeah, I was afraid it was going to get kicked off vpfree if we took it too far. Rightfully so,
that's supposed to be about video poker. But anyway, your comments above, I'm afraid I agree with
everything you wrote above. I also know about the confiscation of people's gold under FDR, they
even took it out of your safety deposit boxes. I also agree that our future makes what's happening
now look tame. We're in big trouble. Anyway, I would sure rather being enjoying myself playing
video poker than worrying about the future of our country. Of course, if our Founders had thought
that way, we'd still belong to England.

Take care, Bruce. We'll try to keep it on topic next time.


From: "bobbartop" <bobbartop@yahoo.com>
To: vpFREE@yahoogroups.com
--- In vpFREE@yahoogroups.com, BCarStew@... wrote: