vpFREE2 Forums

[vpFREE] Re: individual process and promotions

I have never met a profitable EV player, and I was never one
myself. All of those hours slaving away at machines
chasing a royal just to make everything pay off never
worked, plus all the smoke i inhaled in those long hours
wasn't great either.

So I changed. I adopted the same management strategy (in
terms of defining a win or a los and cashing out at those
points) that I have done to develop a 12 year successful
stock trading strategy, and things changed dramatically.
Yes my promotions at some casinos probably because I was
spending less time playing, but my hard (real) profits
actually appeared and have increased. Most casinos have
actually raised my comps because my dollar bets have
increased over the past 2 years.

Anyway...its all about if you are profitable of not. Most
gamblers DONOT want to be profitable, they want an escape
and the lights and sounds in the casino sooth their brain,
not to mention the alcohol. So by losing they get what
they want. A great mentor of mine said that everyone
gets what they want. MOst gamblers win by losing, they get
comped, or they get sympathy, or they can play the loser to

If you are going to win, you need a different approach.
Thats my take, and thats what works for me and a few others
that I know PERSONALLY. If playing to a posted EV works
for you, then great, but if you dont UNDERSTAND something
"what is personal process anyway" then you are at a very
big disadvantage trying to dismiss it's effectiveness.

The casinos want you to be fully In on promotions and play
to EV because it is what works for them business wise. I
used to try to get and edge doing this and my records show
that I never won money over time.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RWS <realcaman92373@yahoo.com>
To: vpFREE@yahoogroups.com
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 10:43:31 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [vpFREE] Re: individual process and promotions


kcace1024 <cy4873@hotmail.com> wrote:

What the heck is an individual process! Either you have a
positive EV play or you don't. There are bankroll
cosiderations of course, but I sense some sort of voodoo
process in this email.

At most casinos these days there are no positive EV plays
without promotions, so you must be able to evaluate
promotions to be an advantage player.

Newbies beware of this misleading information.


RWS <realcaman92373@...> wrote:

It seems to me all promotions are geared to condition
gamblers to do things that prove disadvantageous to their
profits. Doesn't everyone think so? That being said,
it's hard to turn down 150 in free play, or even 50 , for me
when I know it's on the table. It slightly increases the
risk I can take. It's influenced me to take trips or not,
in fact, I built one of my methods around collecting free
play from many venues at once. The RFB also factors in.

However, ultimately, nothing has ever prevented me from
losing a lot of money or taking the profits along the way as
much as following my own system, and my own "promotions."

I may briefly estimate the advantage that may be in a
promotion, but I know even in gambling in those situations,
as soon as I deviate from my own system the casino has won
and I have begun to lose. See, promotions have a way for
me of potentially producing a snowball effect of breaking
rules. I say potentially because it doens't happen much,
but it still can happen.

The other difficult thing that happens to this process is,
and as our memories have a way of reminding us, sometimes
when you deviate just a little bit...there is the royal
flush to surprise you. Our brains etch that information
in cause a royal, i don't care how seasoned you are, is a
big deal to our brains and bodies. It imprints, and it's
always a huge boost.

What I have added after a windfall profit from a large
royal, or even a quad aces on a 25 or 125 dollar bet, is
time off. I didn't learn this from video poker but
another career. My equity levels showed the most large
drawdowns after large sweeping profits.

I think we may intuitively know when increasing our risk may
have an opportunity for a big win. The key is not to keep
taking that large risk, because when the winning stops, you
open your bankroll to large drawdowns. If you have taken
a large risk and won, get back to the original method as
quickly as you can. I believe this way you keep more of
those windfall wins and build confidence as a successful
gambler at the same time.