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[vpFREE] Here is documentation:

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To: vpFREE@Yahoogroups.com
From: "michael" <mkemp@rmi.net>
Date: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:00 am
Subject: Re: Here is documentation:

Dancer was contracted to teach at the ECann, in the meantime
management changed the GM, he did not want to honor the
Dancer contract, but a deal is a deal and the GM thought it
better to honor it rather than be pressured legally (sued)
by Dancer (per Bob at the ECann class). Therefore the new GM
is soley responsible for the demise of the ECann VP and
probably multiple point days also, all this Dancer
conspiracy theory retoric is laughable, Bob and Jean are out
there in the trenches playing on a daily basis, I run have
run into them both at the Silverton, Palms and Tuscany, they
practice what they preach, they are not "Ivory Tower"
authors and I respect that. The notion that they would be
outing players for a bounty is also a joke, the casino's
know who these people are by their players cards (and what
AP plays without a card?) and W2G frequency. The classes are
a positive EV for the Casinos, as it brings players in, most
of who never reach a 99 +% profiency status, as most players
won't put the time in on the training software, but the
"think" they are AP's, the margin on a "Wannbee AP" is a bit
slimmer than a regular ploppy or a slottier but it is still
positive for the house.

The combination of Positive games with a high variance and
players that lack the bankroll to play through is a windfall
for the house.

--- In vpFREE@yahoogroups.com, "forkush" <forkush@...> wrote:

--- In vpFREE@yahoogroups.com, "jw776655" <jw776655@> wrote:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vpFREE/message/68804
> On the other hand, if you want nothing short of hidden video taken from a

private meeting between Dancer and a casino's G.M., you're obviously never going
to be satisfied.

Actually, I don't think so.

The probability that Dancer has been responsible for machine downgrades could

be determined using a hypergeometric probability distribution, showing that
casinos that BD has recently consulted with have a much higher preponderance of
downgrades than those that don't use his services.

And as luck would have it, we have a limited but fairly accurate database at

our disposal; the vpfree2 MIA list. So if you can build a rational case against
Dancer with this actual data, go for it. Otherwise, the accusations against him
are completely irresponsible.

And if you think Dancer should have to prove a negative, then you would have

loved Salem Mass, circa 1692.