Non random activity. Chips values on silicon are easily
upset by external magnetic fields. Energy moving through
the air in one direction develops a field around that
direction. People have lots of more high powered
transmitters and receivers of this energy on their person.
Chips in video gaming are not radiation hardened (a process
the military uses to eliminate errors in high flying
aircraft). This is more evidence of the real world
non-randomness of the games, not just in the programming.
The argument for the AP strategy, at it's core, is based on
the human wish for certainty. IT's not a need because this
idea of certainty is conditioned to the masses, so they can
be afraid of things that are not "predicted. " This keeps
the masses in fear and controllable. It pervades most
aspects of life, inclusive of video poker and gaming.
In order to master these types of endeavors you must learn
to live in, and appreciate, the feeling of uncertainty at
all times, while maintaining the handle on your method,
removing yourself from the action when you are not operating
well, and having the courage to continue in the action when
you are. Operating well can be independent of your
profitability at times.
In gambling you need to be prepared to handle any possible
scenario, because they all do happen. The more in tune
your methodology is with these possibilities, the better you
will be. The more "lucky" you will be, and the less upset
you will be.
The real problem for casinos is in the video gaming, not
table games obviously table games are watch by humans all
the time. But minor glitches in computer gaming can be
exposed over and over again without detection. MOst of the
non randomness goes on without detection at all. I suspect
savvy and super intelligent gamblers are finding ways of
capitalizing on these aspects of computer gaming. The
reasons why you are not hearing too often of them are,
first, if they are still working nobody is going to tell
anyone (just like in financial trading) and, if there are a
lot of these events casinos are not going to let it out.
The biggest casino tool affecting gamblers is that they,
underneath it all, further the idea that no gambler can win,
and that's exactly what people believe, so they don't think
outside the box enough to give them the opportunity to win.
Casinos go out of business all the time, over time. They
go bankrupt, they get blown up, refinanced and start again.
It isn't always a money making business for them. Our
wonderful banking system and the "miracle" (debacle) of
fractional reserve banking keeps it looking like they always
win. Part of the point of the gambling industry is that is
it a mass distraction, most people get so wrapped up in it
they don't come up with creating solutions to their lives,
they are mice on a wheel in the big picture. . So if a
casino goes bust it doesn't matter, build it again or
refinance in bankruptcy because the effect on the populace
plays into the larger plan to keep the masses in
psychological and financial servitude, without them every
suspecting that it is all by design. While one nickels and
dimes thinking over 1% comp here, or lack of or full RFB
comp there, the big impactful thinking is shut down.
One way to assert your independence from this is to think
and act outside the box. The casino floor is a nice way to
see the results of this. Once you do, you will become less
interested in spending lots of time in the casino, instead
spending your casino time picking your spots based on
intuition and other inputs. There will be much much more
to life outside the casino too ,because this same mentality
puts the creative and intelligent forces in your favor in
all areas across your life.
Once you start winning real hard dollar (cash) you will
become far less concerned over the soft dollar income (comps
cash back etc). Ironically, once you do the former, the
latters come in spades, and also ironically you are again
far less interested in the perks that are designed to guide
your behavior.
Anyway, fellow ostriches, the sand is a much safer place to
be so you think.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RWS <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 10:12:24 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: [vpFREE] Caesars $5 machine
pyiddy wrote:
More recently, IGT had a problem with an update to the Spinpoker program.
When you put in a bill, it gave you credit for twice the amount you put in.
(Said it had to do with currency conversion but that makes no sense.)