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[vpFREE] adelson update...

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To: vpFREE@Yahoogroups.com
From: "ceewolf" <ceewolf@ceewolf.com>
Date: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:52 am
Subject: Re: [vpFREE] adelson update...

I'm sure he expects to at least double his investment in this campaign.

On 6/14/2012 11:42:40 AM, Rprosdc (rprosdc@gmail.com) wrote:

Guess what!!! He did not become a zillionaire by doing good deeds. He is
into maximizing returns on investments

If his political investments pay off for him
we'll be the ones that have to
ante up ... just like in his casinos.
On Jun 13, 2012 11:32 AM, "irdd3000" <irdd@netzero.net> wrote:

> **
> if he can afford this why can't
he afford to put playable games in his
> casinos (with good comps of course)...
> http://tinyurl.com/d6qmppp