vpFREE2 Forums

VPFree 2 FW Erroneous Update

Someone reported that it took almost $10 million in coin in to achieve diamond status under the new Foxwoods card program.

I believe that this is a mistake . One pt. = 4 tier credits there fore coin in would be $2,720,000

Larry F.

I was just about to cut and paste that info from the website.

It will be interesting to see how this 1 to 4 works out


Someone from vpFREE2 must have seen your post. The Foxwoods Players Club Info has been changed. Thanks for the information.

Someone reported that it took almost $10 million in coin in to achieve diamond status under the new Foxwoods card program.

I believe that this is a mistake . One pt. = 4 tier credits there fore coin in would be $2,720,000


From: lfcmja@verizon.net