Article posted here:
At least this helps me understand (partially),
why the RPalms is not as great as it used to be (or
was it ever?)?
At least they still have playable vp; however,
rooms and such may NEVER be upgraded,
and ever since I've been downgraded, due to shortplay
ONE day last year (probably 12/30 or 12/31),
I don't plan on returning (to stay there).
I'll play intermittently, as I still receive freeplay offers,
and daily play for meals is ok; however,
I'm doing MUCH better at Harrah's, CBelle, EWater, and Pioneer
properties, as far as OFFERS and stuff.
Hopefully, though things with Trop won't get WORSE.
I still like visiting the Trop Express and it's lowkey atmosphere,
good lounge night music, and low volatile Bonus pkr, as well as live