First the VP. There is, surprisingly, a ton of it, all in front and to the side of Dunkin Donuts on first floor. There are 3 machines in the unmarked high limit room on the second floor. They have full pay schedules at 10, 25, 50 and 100 dollars. But at $50 a spin minimum who cares. There is a very unwelcome atmosphere there and NO ONE was playing even the reel slots there.
VPfree2 claims there are 5 full pay JOB $5 machines on the first floor but I sure didn’t find them. Maybe they were all being played but I kinda doubt it. Frankly that too is beyond my comfort level. There is plenty of 8-5 JOB and 7-5 BP. I ran into a triple play dream card in nickels with a 9-6 BP schedule, not a misprint. I am sure another payoff is lowered somewhere. Triple play dreamcard is $1.50 a spin rather than 75 cents for no reason discernible Not a game I have ever played.
The rooms, amenities and the casino are simply first class. No nickel and dime resort fees for the comped room. Big disappointment- no pool no jacuzzi. Come on. Best casino within 3000 miles. We are lucky to have it. The liquor in the free drinks is first rate. None of that rotgut which permeates Connecticut/AC and Ceasers casinos nationwide.