vpFREE2 Forums

tipping on hand payoff

I read somewhere Rob Singer recommends never tipping for handpays
or at the cashiers because it makes no sense, since you don't tip
your bank tellers when you withdraw money or ask for change. I
kind of lean toward that. But lately my royals have been far and
few in between, so I haven't had to worry about it :slight_smile:

"midorinish" <midorinish@...> wrote:

I've been fortunate enough to get some Royal Flushes which

required a W2G and a hand payoff. I've always been curious on
how much tip I should give the attendants for a 4K and a 2K
jackpot. There's usually two persons involved. In my excitement
of getting royals, I think that often I'm overly generous. > >


To: vpFREE@Yahoogroups.com
From: "billjeter77" <billjeter77@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue Oct 6, 2009 11:08 am
Subject: Re: tipping on hand payoff