vpFREE2 Forums

There goes the VP

Jumers, Rock Island,IL has just lowered paytables at the very few Decent VP games they had. Have not had a chance yet to further investigate & report to VP II, but will try to in near future. This leaves them w/ virtually no playable games left.

ALSO, when I found out about these changes, I called buddy that happened to be in Vegas at time. He was at Fremont & reportd the pick-a-pair machines were being switched to lower paytable $10K royal. Hopefully someone will verify & report to VPII.

Man… these changes about shut off my local VP play & leaves 4Q as about my only Vegas play left. Figure it’s only a matter of short time, B4 I need to find a new hobby for about 10hours/week. DON’T suggest golf, I already get enuff of that from wife.