My wife got 374 points and theo was slightly above 1200, what is going
on, does anyone have an exact number? Have a great day. Ciao
Theo's on Video Poker have dropped dramatically
--- In, "mel3dmdmsncom"
<mel3dmd@...> wrote:
They have changed the % that they rate all the machines on based on
what they have paid percentage wise. The bartops are around 5%. This is
how it will be done from now on. The powers that be decided they were
over rating too many machines. Some people are in for a rude awakening
when it is time for new Sachem and Sag cards.
MelIn, "theyank777" <theyank777@>
> My wife got 374 points and theo was slightly above 1200, what is
> on, does anyone have an exact number? Have a great day. Ciao
> Don
So basically the bartops theo is the same as pick'em? Or has pick'em
been cut further too?