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The M new Tier points and earning periods

Did anyone other than me notice on the January mailer that the M has changed the coin in for tier credits and tier earning periods? The new tier point earnings are $10 coin in for 1 tier point for video poker. The new tier earning period is now 12 months from Jan 1 - Dec 31. They have drastically lowered the number of tier credits needed for most gifts from 500 to 100 so I doubt that this new coin in amount is good news. Not sure what it was but pretty sure it wasn’t close to this. During the last video poker tournament I was invited to a couple months ago I played 9/6 DDB 5 -play which I found on one machine. Recently when I was there it had been downgraded to 9/5.


Penn Gaming is dumping Marquee Rewards and going to Pinnacle's My Choice program (or so I've heard). No doubt these changes are part of that. Regarding Penn gutting the inventory at M, well that's been an ongoing process hasn't it. Explains why that place is usually a ghost town.

Maybe the bigger story, once the reports come in, is the likely change to the cashback/comp points as part of this change. The prior version was $1 Coin-In = 1 Point, Cash OR Comps OR Free Play: 333 pts. = $1 (0.3%). Now on the website it says “Comp earning rate varies by game type, denomination and length of play.” I expect the rate will be less than before. And, there is no mention of turning points into cashback in the new program.