vpFREE2 Forums

Summer offers ok-EW/CB

Agree it's a good offer. Only go once or twice a year now compared to 6
times/yr a few years ago. Then I was gold but on last 2 trips even though I
had not been coming in, they gave me a meal card which permits dining for 2
at their restaurants. Unexpected both times had made arrangements to dine
with friends so could only use 2 of the meals - Carrows & a buffet. However,
did gamble at my former level on the JB. Have lots of great memories at EW
of both VP & people that I've met there. Maybe will share sometime.

In a message dated 6/11/2013 4:52:31 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
vpFREE_Laughlin@yahoogroups.com writes:

2b. Re: Summer offers ok-EW/CB
Posted by: "Dave" haaljo@yahoo.com haaljo

That's a good offer. There's (many) $1 FPJB at the bars; checked a few
months ago.

We were gold before the good VP was destroyed.
They no-mailed us after we rcvd a $300 FP offer and hit 4 Aces/w kicker on
FPTDB couple of years ago. That lonely machine is long gone.

Our offer didn't require a hotel stay; was staying elsewhere.
So we kind of burnt them and left without giving much action.

Good memories of Edgewater. VPFREE2 sayz FPJB/BP all that's left:

--- In vpFREE_Laughlin@yahoogroups.com, "jamalbaba3@yahoo.com"
<jamalbaba3@...> wrote:

Hello martin going to the Ew tomorrow staying to Sat , got an offer 75$

gas card and 65$ freeplay , 40$ in food comp . Any vp advice about Ew or
CB , I been there 3 times never won got a royal dealt at Aquarius for a
1000$ . Nothing at Ew or cb . Any advice is greatly appreciated . Thanks and
good luck to you all.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Date: Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:59 pm ((PDT))