vpFREE2 Forums

Smoking in casinos (was Best non-smoking)

All I ever see is complaints about smoking and I KNOW I am not the only smoker

here. It may come as a suprise, but we aren't the evil demons that so many of
you make us out to be.

So, a rebuttal (and a bit of a rant) from the minority:

You cannot deny the medical facts: Second-hand smoke kills. If a smoker
chooses to continue to smoke knowing these facts, then that is a personal
choice. But, when that smoker smokes in a public place, it becomes a public
choice. Please go outside to smoke, and let the rest of us breath a little


To: vpFREE@Yahoogroups.com
From: "vpstarr1" <vpstarr1@cox.net>
Date: Thu Oct 1, 2009 10:16 am
Subject: Re: Smoking in casinos (was Best non-smoking)

--- In vpFREE@yahoogroups.com, Karlene Trudell <godess6042@...> wrote: