vpFREE2 Forums

"short pay"

In the description of Foxwoods Casino, the following is noted:

Best Games

9/5 JWD (99.9%)

(3) 25c TITO Sigma uprights near Subway shop in the large Festival of
Slots casino across from the Rainmaker casino. (some are short pay)

8/5 DJ (99.6%)

(3) 25c TITO Sigma uprights near Subway shop in the large Festival of
Slots casino across from the Rainmaker casino.
(some are short pay)

What is "short Pay"?
There is nothing in the Glossary about it.


From the FAQ:

"4. What is a full-pay VP machine? - A machine that has the best pay
schedule for a particular VP Game, that can be found in any quantity in
casinos. Often it is a judgmental decision as to which pay schedule
should get the full-pay designation."

Any pay schedule that is poorer than "full-pay" is "short-pay".



On 9 May 2007 at 2:44, EMILE GENEST wrote:

What is "short Pay"?
There is nothing in the Glossary about it.

In March, 2007, I was lucky to get a jackpot on the "Best Games 9/5
JWD (99.9%) (3) 25c" which paid me as listed 800 tines the amount bet
or $1,000 full pay. Why is that not a "full pay" machine?


--- In vpFREE_Online@yahoogroups.com, "vpFae" <vpFae@...> wrote:

On 9 May 2007 at 2:44, EMILE GENEST wrote:

> What is "short Pay"?
> There is nothing in the Glossary about it.

From the FAQ:

"4. What is a full-pay VP machine? - A machine that has the best pay
schedule for a particular VP Game, that can be found in any quantity in
casinos. Often it is a judgmental decision as to which pay schedule
should get the full-pay designation."

Any pay schedule that is poorer than "full-pay" is "short-pay".


9/5 JWD is classified by vpFREE as "full-pay". See:

"http://members.cox.net/vpfree/PayV.htm#JWD" and
"http://members.cox.net/vpfree/Gloss.htm#JWD" .

BTW, Your posts on vpFREE_Online would be more appropriate
on vpFREE "http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vpFREE/" .



> On 9 May 2007 at 2:44, EMILE GENEST wrote:

> > What is "short Pay"?
> > There is nothing in the Glossary about it.

> From the FAQ:

> "4. What is a full-pay VP machine? - A machine that has the best pay
> schedule for a particular VP Game, that can be found in any quantity in
> casinos. Often it is a judgmental decision as to which pay schedule
> should get the full-pay designation."

> Any pay schedule that is poorer than "full-pay" is "short-pay".

> vpFae

On 16 May 2007 at 3:10, EMILE GENEST wrote:

In March, 2007, I was lucky to get a jackpot on the "Best Games 9/5
JWD (99.9%) (3) 25c" which paid me as listed 800 tines the amount bet
or $1,000 full pay. Why is that not a "full pay" machine?