NOTI, you have me laughing out loud. I’m a binge drinker, not an everyday drinker. I go weeks between binges.
But when I uncork it I wouldn’t advise you or anyone else to stand at the bar and try to go shot for shot with me. You won’t out drink me and you will have a very bad hangover the next morning.
Even though I love to uncork it I still have a modicum of discipline. I never touch the stuff on roads trips. Not even at night with a meal. I’m all business on road trips. I only pull the cork out when I’m at home with not a whole lot to do. So it’s easy for me to walk over to the bar next door for beers and shots.
Its a destructive habit. I couldn’t tell you how much its cost me in lost productivity in the past. Especially in Nevada… I never reached my full potential as an AP because of the booze. But I’m an independent agent so the only one it was me.
Also, the $500 a day thing has gone by the wayside. Conditions have changed and it’s down to about $300 a day for the forseeable future. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to cry in my beer…and shot. LOL!