They have the new software like MLife that lets them customize the comp rate to the individual player card on a second by second basis. So a card's comp rate could be 0% in which case 5x is still 0%. The solution is to play on different cards, Bob Dancer talks about the technique in his last column.
--- In, vpFREE2 Volunteer <st.tropez97@...> wrote:
--- In, "tyroneceepacker" <tyroneceepacker@> wrote:
> I used to visit and play there quite a bit until the their comps and offers got cut way
> down last year. I see they are having a 5x points day when I will be there. Is it worth
> playing? I am mainly a JOB or bonus player, any idea of the ave. comp rate at 5x?
> Or suggested banks of machines to play. Thanks!According to what's been posted here previously, the amount of coin-in needed to earn one point varies greatly from machine to machine. Comp rates of .1% (or less) up to .4% have been reported for video poker. So 5x times would be .5% up to 2%.