vpFREE2 Forums

Peppermill Trip

Yes it's the Collins family. The Dornier 328 that you're thinking of was a smaller jet that was used for the Nugget junkets & left from a special gate at Monterey for charters that didn't require going thru TSA. The Peppermill trip used an MD80 to Reno & 737-400 on the return. They (I think it was Peppermill) chartered it from Extra Airways. Flight to Reno was 39 minutes. MD80 capacity is 130-170. The 737 was larger.

In order to get comped for air & rooms, I have to go on these junkets because Peppermill has me on a no-mail, no-comp basis. Which means the Collins family is taking care of me as a thank you for past trips. I doubt if they get much for my play. Even when I don't take their junkets, if I go to a casino they represent, I will call them & let them know & an NCM host will take care of anything I might need. I don't cruise much but if you're into cruising they represent NCL & at least 5 other cruise lines, all better & a couple which are premium. Their casino line-up includes Foxwoods & several in the UK where I think they're from.


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On May 5, 2016, at 1:40 AM, vpFREE_Reno@yahoogroups.com wrote:

1a. Re: Peppermill Trip
   Posted by: richardsk2011@yahoo.com richardsk2011
   Date: Wed May 4, 2016 9:54 am ((PDT))

You said Gamblers Express is running this out of Monterey...is it still the Collins Family?...I know they had a Dornier 328...but I didn't know they got an MD80...or are they contracting with someone else for the larger plane?

Right…that’s the one I took (the Nugget Junket)

Did they take the MD80 to WestWendover, or was that another junket?