vpFREE2 Forums

Other Atlantis Policy Changes

I was always told that hard-cash comps like airfare had to be earned on that trip. Your host apparently told you they would make an exception for you, and then they reneged. I am not sure that this is a policy change. They probably just don't value your action as much as they used to.
Now, I hear that Atlantis has cut the comp rates on VP. This will make it much harder for you to earn airfare on each trip. This spring, Peppermill clearly instituted different comp rates for each player. (My new comp rate at PM is just 1.5% of the previous rate.) I am interested in hearing if the same is true for Atlantis. Is everyone getting the same reduced rate of comps at Atlantis?
I have been cut off by Atlantis marketing entirely since May. It would be nice if someone could post the multiplier and comp-to-cash days when they get the flyer for the advance month.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

From: Effen Dolts effend@yahoo.com

It would be nice if someone could post the multiplier and
comp-to-cash days when they get the flyer for the advance month.

The calendar showing that information is on their website. August is there now: