I spoke to Michele Salonek, Director of Casino Marketing, about their rating system a few years ago. this info is dated, but I think it still applies. The Nugget rates players based on two methods and provides benefits to each individual based on the method that provides the greatest benefits.
The first method (usually applies to locals) is total theo based on play over the last 12 months.
The second method (usually for non-locals) is average total theo per trip. A trip is considered any consecutive sequence of days when gambling activity takes place. (Swiping your card at a kiosk does not create a trip).
You can see that daily average is not a factor in either method so $30,000 coin-in in one day is considered a trip of $30,000 unless it is preceded or followed by another day of additional activity.
A couple years ago I gauged the $JC accrual rate at different vp machines. Almost all machines accrued at a rate of .297%. I found only two machines that accrued at a different rate (.2%, If you come down the escalator from the parking garage and look directly right when you get to the bottom, you will see a machine with 707 on its side. This machine (8131) and the one next to it accrue at the lower rate). Despite the different $JC accrual rates, all the machines generated theo at the same rate. Based on casual observation during more recent play, I am confident none of the above has changed. Obviously, with the change in ownership and management, I expect much will change in the near future.
If you have questions for Michele, her direct dial no. is (775) 356-3429 and her email address is michele_salo…@…com. I find her easy to talk to.