I hear that soon there maybe an NFL team in Nevada. If Roger Goddell allows this it would be a high crime. Goddell should put his best foot forward and prohibit any NFL team from moving to Nevada as long as wagering on NFL teams is legal. What would Kenishaw Mountain Landis do? This is the sort of thing that invokes point shaving and game fixes. Think it can't happen? Well think again. The 1919 World Series was fixed. Around 1950 there were fixes involving the NYU basketball team. More recently there were other stories about game fixing. All Goddell has to do is put his foot down (no pun intended) and tell any place that wants NFL games that it can't have gambling on the NFL. He can invoke the best interest of the sport. This goes for any sport. It was very bad that the NHL awarded a team to Las Vegas. There is still hockey betting in Nevada. Don't be surprised if there is a scandal. Don't say you weren't warned. Sorry Negranu if you want hockey move back to Toronto.
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