vpFREE2 Forums

Mohegan Free Play Cut

I’ve been receiving FP, Player’s Perks etc for the same amount ($250) for the last several years. In October it was cut to $115 and in the November mailer just received to $100. My play has remained unchanged but I did have a significant win in July.

Curious if anyone else seeing cuts like this or if it was my win that caused drop.


I haven’t seen any cuts even after significant wins, over a several year period.

I did, however, experience cuts after taking FSP on getaway day without any other significant play. This was unfortunately done on several trips in a row. The explanation: my trip play was being divided by 3 days instead of by 2 days. It did make a substantial impact on the FSP and other offers I received for several months. Anything that costs FW money, FSP, a giveaway, but not I don’t believe using a lounge, will
trigger a “play day”.

I had mistakenly assumed a trip was a trip and the FSP on getaway day wouldn’t have an impact. Even though lounge access is determined by # of points per trip over the last 3 trips, offers of all kinds are determined by average daily points. So even if “your play is unchanged” on an overall basis, something as simple as playing minimal amounts on either the first or last day can affect your offers.

Certainly the game is rigged. Don’t let that stop you; if you don’t bet, you can’t win. -Lazarus Long
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. -Yogi Berra

There is no such thing as luck. There is only adequate or inadequate preparation to cope with a statistical universe. -Robert Heinlein


From: “edwar…@…com [vpFREE_NewEngland]” <vpFREE_NewEngl…@…com>
To: vpFREE_NewEngl…@…com
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 5:01 PM
Subject: [vpFREE_NewEngland] Mohegan Free Play Cut

I’ve been receiving FP, Player’s Perks etc for the same amount ($250) for the last several years. In October it was cut to $115 and in the November mailer just received to $100. My play has remained unchanged but I did have a significant win in July.

Curious if anyone else seeing cuts like this or if it was my win that caused drop.
