vpFREE2 Forums

Majestic star and the general state of VP in the midwest

Sadly, MS is still the best 25c play in the Chicago Area as I do not know any 9-6 jacks (or higher paying) 25c game in the area except at the MS.
I strongly suspect that I will soon be spending more weekend time at the golf course.


----- Original Message -----
From: tabrc2002
To: vpFREE_Chicago@yahoogroups.com
Sent: 7/15/2007 12:08:09 PM
Subject: [vpFREE_Chicago] Majestic star and the general state of VP in the midwest

I went to Majestic star after a great trip to Vegas where I got seven
sets of deuces and one royal. I am so disappointed with the state of
VP in the midwest. There is very little in the way of playable games
at Majestic star. I played 9/6 Jacks and lost in less than 30 minutes
with a bankroll of $120.00 and I was only able to put on 46 points on
my players card. Also I noticed very few people playing VP despite it
being a weekend. What is MS thinking? Surely, MS was making a bigger
profit with a large volume of players before they shorted the
paytables of practically all their games. The Empress is just as
bad. There aren't any good single line games left only 3/5 play
games. At this point I am ready to drive to Iowa or St. Louis on the
weekends instead of playing close to home. Does anyone know if there
is playable VP at Resorts, Blue Chip, Horseshoe,or Grand Victoria?
Also has anyone ever been to Jumer's Rock Island Casino? What should
I expect if I travel there from Joliet?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.


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