vpFREE2 Forums

Majestic Star 2

Eight new single line 5c near second floor elevator. I was able to scan six of them. I found only one 99%+ game. The leftmost of the two machines nearest the elevator has 9-7 Dbl Aces & Faces.

EarthLink Revolves Around You.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Near the dollar progressive toward the middle of the room there are 4
more nickel machines. A couple of these have 8/5 Aces and Faces.

--- In vpFREE_Chicago@yahoogroups.com, "howard.w.stern@..."
<howard.w.stern@...> wrote:

Eight new single line 5c near second floor elevator. I was able to

scan six of them. I found only one 99%+ game. The leftmost of the two
machines nearest the elevator has 9-7 Dbl Aces & Faces.


EarthLink Revolves Around You.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

I've updated the DataBase:


Thanks for the report.

vpFREE DataBase Coordinator


On 6 Nov 2007 at 22:59, jaywilly240 wrote:

Near the dollar progressive toward the middle of the room there are 4
more nickel machines. A couple of these have 8/5 Aces and Faces.