vpFREE2 Forums

Jackpot Pictures - 20 OCT 2016

Jackpot Pictures - 20 OCT 2016

The vpFREE Yahoo Photo Directory is now open to all vpFREE
members and they can / should upload their Jackpot Pictures

vpFREE Yahoo Photo Directory:



<a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vpFREE/photos/album/0/list">

When uploading pictures please put them in the current "Jackpot Hands"
album (or the correct year's album, if taken in an earlier year) rather
than starting a new album.

After you upload a picture to the Photo Directory you're welcome
to share it with other members by posting a link to the picture
on the vpFREE forum.

If you shorten the link by using "http://tinyurl.com/" it will
make your picture easier to access.

vpFREE Administrator