vpFREE2 Forums

Horseshoe Hammond

Just wondering, does the Horseshoe still have APDW? I haven't been there in a few months and was thinking about going over there today. Thanks, Evelyn

What is the pay twble for APDw?

They have 75-45-20-20-15-10 in .25 and $

There is a 50 play $ in the high limit room with 75-55-20-20-15-10



To: vpFREE_Chicago@yahoogroups.com
From: efahrow@yahoo.com
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 14:02:01 +0000
Subject: [vpFREE_Chicago] Horseshoe Hammond

Just wondering, does the Horseshoe still have APDW? I haven't been there in a few months and was thinking about going over there today. Thanks, Evelyn


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