vpFREE2 Forums

Greektown Sunday trip report

Haha said I was staying home, not, went and lost again. The bartop
progressive was over $6,000 as of 8:30 pm, after running $200 thru on
BP I couldn't even hit any quads, FH or flushes. Money won't last with
those hands. Also blew thru $300 on the 5 line $.25 JOB. Was dealt 4
to a RF twice and didn't convert. I know that's statistically in the
park but it's very hard to take. Didn't see many FH or quads. Anybody
else think G town is trying to pay for that new facility? I didn't see
anyone hit squat on the VP in my 2 1/2 hour visit or anyone from the
group, back to some practice on winpoker. Better luck to the rest of