There was an inquiry about the Jacks at GN-L. They did re-arrange the
furniture a bit. The long-standing bank of quarter Bonus Royalmanias have vanished.
They moved two of the quarter Jacks over there (by the service area for the
Reef Bar). The lone $1 Jacks is still in play. There are a dozen new shiny
worthless Ruby Red slant-top Game Kings on the floor now.
What is interesting is they took down this sequential royal bank and have 30
days to move the $5k+ to something else. Keep an eye out for unusual
progressive jackpots. I would think the Rapid Royals (Jacks 8/5 quarters 3-way
meters) would be a likely choice.
I can remember when GN-L took down the Carribean Stud table game with a big
jackpot. I think it was 2004. They ran a daily drawing for blackjack all
Summer that added 2% or so, to burn up the money.
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