vpFREE2 Forums

(Fwd) Isle of Capri- Biloxi

Private email to vpFREE Administrator:



To: vpFREEadmin @ Cox.net
Subject: Isle of Capri- Biloxi
Date sent: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 08:52:31 -0400


Video Poker point= $30 Coin-in/point

Slot Machine= $15 Coin-in/point

100 points= $5.00

All updates are appreciated, but the preferred method is for
members to post the updates themselves on the appropriate vpFREE
forum and also to report any database changes to vpFREE2 by
using the casinos' feedback forms there.

If members are uncomfortable about posting updates from their
current Yahoo ID or email address, they should consider getting
a new, anonymous address instead of, or in addition to, their
current ID or address.