vpFREE2 Forums

Eyewitness Two PE Royals at MS

Wife saw ONE VP player get TWO $1 PE Royals this morning.
She said second one within 10 minutes of first payout.
He was real happy getting the first royal. Kept a low profile after
getting the second and left after payout. Smart.
My wife told him that she hates him :slight_smile:
David in Boston

Wow is right!

Ok all you number crunchers what was the odds of that happening? Or is
there no real way to measure that? Or is it a grand example of pure
randomness. Either way what a thrill for that player. I would be
talking to myself all the way home if that happened to me.


--- In vpFREE_NewEngland@yahoogroups.com, "haaljo" <haaljo@...> wrote:

Wife saw ONE VP player get TWO $1 PE Royals this morning.
She said second one within 10 minutes of first payout.
He was real happy getting the first royal. Kept a low profile after
getting the second and left after payout. Smart.
My wife told him that she hates him :slight_smile:
David in Boston

> Wife saw ONE VP player get TWO $1 PE Royals this morning.
> She said second one within 10 minutes of first payout.
> He was real happy getting the first royal. Kept a low profile
> after getting the second and left after payout. Smart.
> My wife told him that she hates him :slight_smile:
> Wow!
> David in Boston


--- In vpFREE_NewEngland@yahoogroups.com, "haaljo" <haaljo@> wrote:


I was at the Sun Wed night and ran into a friend playing PE on the
sky side. He was sitting next to a guy who had gotten 2 PE Royals on
Tuesday. The first one was on the sky side and then he went over to
the Earth side and hit another. He, too, was very happy.

...I'm still waiting for my first PE Royal. I've had lots of close
calls but, unfortunately, those don't count. I've had 3 PE straight
flushes though...and they were very nice.


If I remeber correctly the death of the Foxwoods pick'ems was precipitated by one player
hitting two BIG rf's (I think $10 & $25 or maybe $5 and $10, I can't recall)


Yep, Double points every other hour brought high rollers to Fox. It
was a good gamble for New England but couldn't come close to Vegas.
Soon after all AP games at $1+ were gone. Even before that, our
Foxwood host told us our benny's/offers were limited. Suggested we
play more slots (and they did have some $1 wongable machines).

I remember NYNY $5 PE play at the bar. Double points (.66% cashback
plus tourneys) brought the "Destroyer;" Las Vegas local always wore a
Sam's Town jacket. I think all it took was one PE royal and NYNY
decimated all the VP. Stopped sending us the good offers as well.

Our host said AP folks will not be getting the very nice offers.
Suggested playing more slot machines (but they took out everything

Our plan next week is flying to Vegas for two nights at Main Street
Station and 4 nights in Laughlin Aquarius. In a tourney that is
supposedly limited to 200 players and the EV is $500. Both of us
comped. Sweet.
Dave in Boston

--- In vpFREE_NewEngland@yahoogroups.com, "cdfsrule"
<vpfree_digests@...> wrote:

If I remeber correctly the death of the Foxwoods pick'ems was

precipitated by one player

hitting two BIG rf's (I think $10 & $25 or maybe $5 and $10, I

can't recall)

