Every 17 Years: Driving home from O'hare past the forest preserves
and old wooded areas I rolled down the windows. The sound of the
Cicadas crashed into our ears like a wave. The sound of a thousand
buzz saws unseen just behind the trees. The big bugs seemed clumsy
and barely be able to keep themselves in the air as they
occasionally popped on the windshield. Nancy rolled up her window
just to be safe. I left mine open and reveled their enthusiasm. 17
years from now, if I am still around and their forest hasn't been
paved over, I will hear the descendents of these creatures again.
The world is a strange and interesting place.
I live across the street from that forest preserve. It is a LOT of work
cleaning up
the Cicadas and all my neighbors aren`t that fond of them. They are only
and about every 17 years and I truly appreciate nature. I know I won`t be
around the next cycle and I fear the forest preserve won`t be around either.
I have a summer cottage up in Michigan City and will be there soon. I will
definitely take a trip over to the Blue Chip and look in the left corner.
for the info. (because I won`t be going to MS except to pick up my cash
Carol M
-----Original Message-----
From: vpFREE_Chicago@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:vpFREE_Chic…@…com]On Behalf Of cmayhem2001
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2007 12:57 PM
To: vpFREE_Chicago@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [vpFREE_Chicago] Re: Blue Chip Casino Michigan City, Indiana
--- In vpFREE_Chicago@yahoogroups.com, "carolm60656" <karolam@...>
> I did not know about the $ J/B bank in the rear of the Blue Chip
> Casino.
> Have only been there a few times. 2 Weeks ago the 2 $ banks in the
> middle of the casino near the craps table were 8/5 JB.
> Sorry to give wrong info.
> Carol M
It wasn't that long ago that BC had JB or better options in quarter,
50 cent and dollar in several locations. Next time go to the back
and left of the casino to find the remaining bank of $ machines in a
vp alcove.
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