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Blackhawk updates

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Canyon, Blackhawk

Upstairs bar is now part of a Banquet facility, so only the
downstairs bar has decent quarter games (unless you are having
a banquet). However, they do have a bank of triple play
quarter machines (roughly 8 or so) with both 9/6 JoB and NSUD.
I don't know any of the other good games yet, so would not
recognize them.

Lodge, Blackhawk

I finally found the quarter NSUD machines, exactly where they
were supposed to be. There is a bank of 8 near the corner of
the bar. Simply walk from the deli, past the triple play
machines on the wall, past one bank of 10 machines (I think)
to a bank of 8. They still have NSUD quarters.

Gilpin, Blahawk CO

The triple play quarter machines are still available as
described. They are not MIA. They are MD machines, and not
full NSUD at the lower denominations.