Has anyone recently been to Laughlin during bike week? Just curious
what type of crowds to expect, numberswise? Can you get around, are
machines open, security? I know bikers and can tolerate noise but not
shootings and fights. Seriously, we are off that week and would want
to stay maybe the first part of the week, when do the masses arrive?
The 19th, 20th, 21st should be ok? We are HET.Thanks.
Bike week in Laughlin, what to expect
I would think security should not be a problem at all,
especially before the masses are there on the weekend.
There is one famous incident, but that is the past and
is no longer relevant.
There will be a lot of people and alcohol, so anything
is possible. Alcohol is allowed outside, but only in plastic
cups (just like Las Vegas on New Years Eve) and just as
much security. However, any potential trouble or incidents
should not automatically be expected and, I think, easy to
I once stayed until late Friday evening and found it both
safe and interesting. Amazing amount of motorcycle noise
starting on Wednesday night. Many cyclist are just cruising
Laughlin Drive and I think some are making as much noise
as possible. Room prices are higher, usually starting
Wednesday. As stated, parking can be a problem early in
the week (Pioneer and Colorado Belle in particular) because
of preparations.
You can take advantage of some good promotions if you
are around on Thursday and maybe part of Friday. There
is a lot of competition for business and thus most casinos
offer many easy to obtain promos on the floor and at the
table games! Nothing big, but things like t-shirts, hats,
pins,free play,food and other "Bike Run" souvenirs. I have
had, and do have,offers for the "Run". However, I had enough
"River Run" with the first short experience.
I left my offer (room) before midnight on Friday (maybe it
was early Saturday morning). Almost two days were enough!
Maybe I could have "sublet" my room! Of course, if you are
a biker, you might look at things different. If not a biker,
it is worth catching part of the experience. Truly, unless
you are a biker, there just are far too many people, noise
and traffic! Music is good, but hard to get near or to hear
well (again crowds and noise). I found competing for food
and drinks, because of crowds, to be mostly ridiculous---
so I left and will not be back! However, I definitely
recommend at least "part" of the experience!
Has anyone recently been to Laughlin during bike week? Just curious
what type of crowds to expect, numberswise? Can you get around, are
machines open, security? I know bikers and can tolerate noise but
shootings and fights. Seriously, we are off that week and would
to stay maybe the first part of the week, when do the masses
The 19th, 20th, 21st should be ok? We are HET.Thanks.