vpFREE2 Forums

Bartop 9/6 JOB machines

Anybody do a check to see if the BT $1 JOBs still $90 to 1?

<Rant on>

Why do these machine have penny slots play in the first place?

I'm sure there are many serious VP players who can't get a seat at a
$1 FP machine because of these drink whores. We're the ones that are
betting serious money---not these clueless a%sholes.

Since there is no decision or judgement to be made in slots, it's
irrelevant whether you're drunk or sober. Even a seriously drunk
person can push a SPIN/PLAY button.

Maybe there are some VP players play at less than FP. Maybe they
don't know what they're doing, maybe their bankroll doesn't allow it,
or whatever. Nonetheless, I've found them A LOT more suitable to sit
next to at a Bar Top than the "penny slotters" in a number of ways.

<Rant off>



--- Ted,
There was an article in the Globe last year with the CEO of MS saying
that they make tons of money of penny slots. Granted, a number of
players play 5 or 10 cents, but I have had many sitting next to me
playing 15 lines and 20 coins. Even though they are pennies they are
playing $3 a hand. The gist of the article was that if anything there
would be more not less penny slots so I guess we will have to learn
to live with these creatures.

In vpFREE_NewEngland@yahoogroups.com, "Ted Sohonyay"
<Freedom_Fighter56@...> wrote:

Anybody do a check to see if the BT $1 JOBs still $90 to 1?

<Rant on>

Why do these machine have penny slots play in the first place?

I'm sure there are many serious VP players who can't get a seat at


$1 FP machine because of these drink whores. We're the ones that


betting serious money---not these clueless a%sholes.

Since there is no decision or judgement to be made in slots, it's
irrelevant whether you're drunk or sober. Even a seriously drunk
person can push a SPIN/PLAY button.

Maybe there are some VP players play at less than FP. Maybe they
don't know what they're doing, maybe their bankroll doesn't allow


or whatever. Nonetheless, I've found them A LOT more suitable to



next to at a Bar Top than the "penny slotters" in a number of ways.

<Rant off>



--- In vpFREE_NewEngland@yahoogroups.com, "Ted Sohonyay"
<Freedom_Fighter56@...> wrote:

Anybody do a check to see if the BT $1 JOBs still $90 to 1?

Yes. It is.

- Chauncey