In a message dated 3/6/08 5:14:39 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
Pioneer Sassy Sue's live entertainment? I presume this will be C&W,
but is there any cowboy music? When I go out west (from NJ), I like to
hear some yodelling. I'm crushed I'm missing Riders in the Sky (this
month), but believe it or not, we did seen them here in Joisey.
Sassy Sue gave up on the live music. That jukebox they put in can find about
any tune ever made...for a price. Maybe the band at the Regency will yodel
for you?
The best cowboy music yearly is Rodeo weekend and Extreme Bulls weekend.
Rodeo means a $5 cover in the Pioneer parking lot. Easter weekend this year is
Blues & Brews at CB, my favorite live tunes.<BR><BR><BR>**************<BR>It's Tax Time! Get
tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money & Finance.<BR>
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