Noticed that as well yesterday.
I’ve played nickel 50 play and gone 0-50 at least a few times myself. It is a terribly low hold in rank.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: “harry.por…@…net [vpFREE]” <vpF…@…com>
Date: 11/04/2016 10:24 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: vpF…@…com
Subject: Re: [vpFREE] Re: A New Low
Glad someone can read …
—In vpF…@…com, <clementiyn@…> wrote :
Except the original poster said he was playing Deuces. Which makes all those high pairs part of the “nothing” he saw as results.
Suited KJ in Deuces is the sort of hold that lends itself to a ton of nothing hands (and a small number of very nice ones).
On Nov 4, 2016, at 3:27 AM, James Morgan what7do7you7want@… [vpFREE] <vpF…@…com> wrote:
bad calculation…
Odds of no K or J to KJ is 0.657. I ignored flushes and straights, AA, QQ, trips.
Lets assume that makes missing about 0.62.
Odds of missing 5 hands is roughly 0.1
Odds of missing 10 hands is roughly 0.01
Odds of missing 15 hands is roughly 0.001
Odds of missing 50 hands is roughly 0.000 000 0001
Seems remote.