vpFREE2 Forums

A New Low

Playing 50 play Deuces today I held the JK of clubs and got nothing on any of the 50 hands. TIme to find another hobby.

With a roughly 15% chance of hitting on any single hand’s draw when holding suited JK, the probability of a wash out on all 50 hands comes to about 1 in 2000-3000 attempts (depending on specific discards).

I feel the pain, but this doesn’t rate up there with lighting striking twice in the same place :wink:

—In vpF…@…com, <BillC4@…> wrote :

Playing 50 play Deuces today I held the JK of clubs and got nothing on any of the 50 hands. TIme to find another hobby.

Crazy game. I was practicing on VPFW software today, warming up for a Reno weekend and got two Royals this morning. It’s been about 2 years since my last “practice” Royal, and then I got two Royals in one week. Don’t ask about how long since a Royal in a casino. Of course I probably don’t play as much as most people in this group.


From: “harry.por…@…net [vpFREE]” <vpF…@…com>
To: vpF…@…com
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 8:48:34 PM
Subject: [vpFREE] Re: A New Low

With a roughly 15% chance of hitting on any single hand’s draw when holding suited JK, the probability of a wash out on all 50 hands comes to about 1 in 2000-3000 attempts (depending on specific discards).

I feel the pain, but this doesn’t rate up there with lighting striking twice in the same place :wink:

—In vpF…@…com, <BillC4@…> wrote :

Playing 50 play Deuces today I held the JK of clubs and got nothing on any of the 50 hands. TIme to find another hobby.

“If it can happen, it will.”

An event may be very rare, but with enough trials, it will occur eventually.

Considering all the video poker played all over the world, this 50 zilches on a suited JK hold is not so surprising. That it happened to you may be unfortunate, but that is another issue.

In his classic text on gambling, John Scarne reports once witnessing a bridge deal where all 13 cards of one suit was dealt to one player. Scarne remarks that the only surprising thing about that was that he was there to see it happen.

    • Norma

Again, “If it can happen, it will.”

Several trips ago to the pool tournaments at the Las Vegas Westgate, I got royals on two successive days.

    • Norma